Inside of the if statement inside the foreach loop is where we are messing with the material. Next, we grab the slime's structures and mess with its materials. We set our slime's slime definition's appearance to this new appearance. If you want the slime to look like another slime, you'd need to copy a different slime's slime appearance. This is the other time we're using the pink slime's definition. Appearance = slimeAppearance > We start out by making a copy of the pink slime's slime appearance. Structures foreach ( SlimeAppearanceStructure slimeAppearanceStructure in structures ) SlimeExpressionFace expressionFaces = slimeAppearance. AppearancesDefault = slimeAppearance SlimeAppearanceStructure structures = slimeAppearance. SlimeAppearance slimeAppearance = ( SlimeAppearance ) PrefabUtils.